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Frequently Asked Questions of Sack Yant Tattoo | Questions about Tatu in Thailand
Questions and answers about Sack Yaant.
Frequently Asked Questions about Sack Yaant Tattoo | Sack Yant Master and answer the top 43 questions about Sack Yant. The definitive guide for a real Sack Yant Master.
-A frequently asked questions and answers about Sack Yant.
Incorrect information about Saku Yant is spreading on the Internet.
If you want to put a tattoo of Sack Yant, it is difficult to get accurate information and recommendations on the Internet between facts and fiction. Blogs and forums have a lot of myths and incorrect information about Sack Yan, which confuses those who really understand the Tattoo tradition.
Sack Yant Chiang Mai is trying to solve a lot of misunderstandings with the Sack Yant Tattoo's FAQ and guide. In order to get true accurate information, we asked more than 15 Sakuyan Masters about 43 Sakuyan. In some cases, our Sakuyan FAQ: Q & A explains in detail why incorrect information was born.
Here are two frequently asked questions in two sections.
1st General Question and Sack Yant's best 32 questions and answers
Questions to customers who can come to the 2nd Sack Yant Chiang Mai
Questions and answers about SAK YANT Tattoo Top 43
What is a tattoo of Sack Yant? Yang or Sack Yant (Thai: สักยั สักยั) is a type of tattoo derived from the ancient Thai tribe. It is drawn with geometric patterns, animals, and gods, and is accompanied by Pali phrases.
Today, Saku is held in Thailand and Myanmar, and is less in Laos and Cambodia. Sack means "tattoo" in Thai, and Yant is the pronunciation of the Sanskrit Yantra, meaning "magic design" and "mysterious mark". In other words, Saku Yant Tattoo is a "magic tattoo."
Saku Yant Tattoo is usually ink in ink by Lucy and Buddhist monks, Vicha trainers. Traditionally, it is done using a sharp long metal rod called Chem Sack. Many Westerners are concerned about the health of tattoos today, but many practitioners have modernized hygiene and are completely safe.
As a basic form, traditional Thai Sack Yant Tattoo is a monarchy representing (Talisman) of the goals, wishes, or objections (affirmation) created by religious or sacred characters. Is it.
Click here for a detailed explanation about what Sack Yant is.
Who is the best tattoo master in Thailand? The best sack yant master in Thailand is the closest, real, genuine and affordable master. There is nothing like the best monks or Ajan Sack Amber, and no one in the Thai Sackdant master is better than anyone else. There are suckunt masters who are better than others, some are older and long, and some make better tattoos. But there is no best Sakuyan Master.
This is a purely western ego concept, and when a person feels the need to associate himself with what he calls himself "best" to fill his own ego blanks by another thing or event. It is. Sports teams, political ideals, clothes, etc. -Leak some of the ways of such people. As is often the case, when you visit a restaurant or a sakjant master, he says "it's the best." That's not because it's the best, it's not the result of the actual comparison, but if you can find evidence that others agree with you, you will increase your sel f-esteem. One way to get people to agree is to share the same experience with others.
This is not a concept that Buddhists (therefore Sakuyan masters) think. This has nothing to do with the number of genealogy teachers, their teachers, and the number of celebrities who have worked.
Is the bamboo tattoo the same as the Saku Yant tattoo?
no. The word "bamboo tattoo" is usually used by tattoos and artists as a marketing tool for those who are looking for a traditional Thai tattoo sack yant. Since the use of metal needles (chem), which is a magical tool for Sac k-Man's craftsmen, using bamboo needles for the saccunt was not part of the saccant story.
However, the word "bamboo tattoo" is still widely used among bloggers and tourists regarding the tattoo of Sack Ant. Tattackers and salons who cannot provide real Saku Yant, combined with magic blessings, are "Bamboo Tattoo" to attract tourists who do not understand the "artistic specimens" and the real Saku Yant. I advertise the word. Click here for more information about Bamboo Tatto o-Thailand's largest sightseeing scam
Is Saku Yant from Thailand or Cambodia?
Podosack Yant Tattoo's habit is older than when the border between Thailand and Cambodia is currently divided. Podsack Yant's habits were more than 2, 000 years ago, and only a few hundred years ago, the tribes of Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos were in a war, and the end of the land where each country is currently composed. He had claimed, lost, and conquered.
Today, Thailand is a dominant country where Podosack Yant is held, but none of the countries can admit that this is a unique event for its own culture. Each state's civilization is a mixture of the culture of all tribes that had been belonging to each area over a long time. In fact, all ethnic groups of all countries in Asia have the potential to derive their own pedigree from all kinds of customs born in areas, which are currently regarded as part of other nations.
What is the price of Yan Scoop Net?
You can arrange from 2, 000 baht in Chiang Mai to 4, 000 baht in Phuket and Bangkok. The larger the sketch and the more popular artists, the more expensive the classic Thai tattoo. The Podsack Yant Tattoo is not made for "donations you have decided" or a tobacco box, but it costs real money. Depending on the Thai location and the volume of the design, the price of the pod sack tattoo is from 1, 000 baht in remote areas in rural areas.
One of the biggest legends of travel bloggers is that you can determine the amount of donations. The myth can go back to a certain source of information, but the blogger simply made a number of wrong legends in an attempt to return to personal skills without knowing it was a scoop. Unfortunately, this blog post has scored a high score in Google and has been the starting point of many people who are interested in Podsack Yant tattoo. There are other legends on this blog, which is explained in this FAQ.
The price of the yant scoop network may vary from region to region, and almost all the Yant scooping net manufacturers in large cities have a price slide system. If two people get the same design, the price depends on the following: Whether you can chat in Thai, what kind of design you want to receive, what kind of respect, and what kind of clothes to wear. D.
Sack Yant Chiang Mai uses a regular price system according to the time it takes to make sack yang. About 2, 000 baht per hour. For more information about the fee, see the "Fee" page.
Bring a 1, 000 baht deposit at the time of booking
Should Yant Scoop Net be made for donation?
Until now, this has never been, but it is misunderstood for tourists visiting Wat Van Plastic and foreigners who have married local Thai. Tattoo Pod Sack Yant urgently asks.
Provided: It is made from flowers, incense, and probably tobacco. Fuse: Amount: Thais always ask the monks and shrines that are urgently demanded.
For Thai people, the temple and the magical shaman are supported by the district society. Thais know that shrines exist to support and exist to provide assistance. Temples are proposed to the local community, and it is known that some of these proposals require specific funds. However, Thais still live in a culture that does not allow their identity, which is even more important for very respected temples and monks.
In order to avoid the question "how much?", In Thai culture, it is called "donation". Apart from this, Thai people do not eliminate "spiritual services" from general replacement and mone y-an d-received systems in Europe and the United States. Thais are plenty of expectations that they have to pay for the temple, and they call it donations as courtesy. The amount of this fuse is how many years they have contributed for many years, the types of gifts (funerals, houses blessing, shovelnet, etc.), the use of districts in the district, and other areas of temples. It depends on whether you use it.
Many tourists visiting the shelter for scooping nets are confused while knowing that they are actually buying a fuse (usually hundreds of baht). Since there is no opportunity for monks to urgently ask for their own rewards, tourists can only write on their blogs on their blogs, all of which are complicated.
Thais may not have to pay anything or a large amount of money for Podosack Yant. This is because they have donated to local shrines for years, which are included in the temple to the community in the region. However, if the Thai people plan to visit a sanctuary other than their living areas, they will always ask about donations.
Does Podosack Yant's tattoo hurt?
Yes, Sack Yant Tattoo is a tattoo that makes a hole in the skin with a thousand needles. The important thing is whether it hurts more than a normal tattoo.
50 % of Saku Yant Tattoo is a machine tattoo that 20 % of the respondents answered that Saku Yant Tattoo is less painful than the machine tattoo. Answer 10 % of the answer is painful than a tattoo, and Saku Yant Tattoo is very painful
Like other tattoos, the pain of a chilled tattoo varies slightly depending on the body. As a general rule, the closer to the bones, the stronger the discomfort. The spine, wrist, lower leg, and ches t-like places are stronger than the place with larger meat. In principle, men feel stronger than women, muscle mass and less fat will feel more uncomfortable than those who have a lot of fat tissue.
Sack Yant Chiang Mai wants to make the Sack Yant experience as great as possible. For those who are vulnerable to pain, we have a painkiller that relieves unpleasant pain.
Is Sack Yant's tattoo rude?
that's right. It is rude to make a copy of the master and Saku Yant who is not trained in magic, has no technology to read (change) magic books, and has no mental level to give blessings. Therefore, carving a tattoo in a tattoo salon is rude.
No: It's not rude to have a qualified master Sakuyan with a chilled tattoo. It is not necessary to be a Buddhist to be a Buddhist tattoo, and it is enough to protect the five commandments of Buddhism (the five healthy ethical principles of all spiritual philosophy).
Is sak Yant safe?
Yes, it is almost the same as the hygiene method used by the Western tattoo master.
Many tourists and Westerners love the idea of putting a sakuyant tattoo, but begins to question the hygiene standards for putting this tattoo. Finding and reading a blog about Bangkok's famous temple Wat Van Plastic, this is especially true, and this temple tends to decrease hygiene without contributing to the main donation. Many cheap bloggers donated $ 5 to 6 to 60 minutes by monks, and were shocked by the lack of new ink and needles. This happens when someone does not donate to cover the cost of receiving the sack amber, which is a rare phenomenon. < SPAN> 50 % of Saku Yant Tattoo is a machine tattoo that 20 % of Saku Yant Tattoo is less painful than the machine tattoo. Answer 10 % of the answer that it hurts than the tattoo of the machine
Like other tattoos, the pain of a chilled tattoo varies slightly depending on the body. As a general rule, the closer to the bones, the stronger the discomfort. The spine, wrist, lower leg, and ches t-like places are stronger than the place with larger meat. In principle, men feel stronger than women, muscle mass and less fat will feel more uncomfortable than those who have a lot of fat tissue.
Sack Yant Chiang Mai wants to make the Sack Yant experience as great as possible. For those who are vulnerable to pain, we have a painkiller that relieves unpleasant pain.
Is Sack Yant's tattoo rude?
that's right. It is rude to make a copy of the master and Saku Yant who is not trained in magic, has no technology to read (change) magic books, and has no mental level to give blessings. Therefore, carving a tattoo in a tattoo salon is rude.
No: It's not rude to have a qualified master Sakuyan with a chilled tattoo. It is not necessary to be a Buddhist to be a Buddhist tattoo, and it is enough to protect the five commandments of Buddhism (the five healthy ethical principles of all spiritual philosophy).
Is sak Yant safe?
Yes, it is almost the same as the hygiene method used by the Western tattoo master.
Many tourists and Westerners love the idea of putting a sakuyant tattoo, but begins to question the hygiene standards for putting this tattoo. Finding and reading a blog about Bangkok's famous temple Wat Van Plastic, this is especially true, and this temple tends to decrease hygiene without contributing to the main donation. Many cheap bloggers donated $ 5 to 6 to 60 minutes by monks, and were shocked by the lack of new ink and needles. This happens when someone does not donate to cover the cost of receiving the sack amber, which is a rare phenomenon. 50 % of Saku Yant Tattoo is a machine tattoo that 20 % of the respondents answered that Saku Yant Tattoo is less painful than the machine tattoo. Answer 10 % of the answer is painful than a tattoo, and Saku Yant Tattoo is very painful
Like other tattoos, the pain of a chilled tattoo varies slightly depending on the body. As a general rule, the closer to the bones, the stronger the discomfort. The spine, wrist, lower leg, and ches t-like places are stronger than the place with larger meat. In principle, men feel stronger than women, muscle mass and less fat will feel more uncomfortable than those who have a lot of fat tissue.
Sack Yant Chiang Mai wants to make the Sack Yant experience as great as possible. For those who are vulnerable to pain, we have a painkiller that relieves unpleasant pain.
Is Sack Yant's tattoo rude?
that's right. It is rude to make a copy of the master and Saku Yant who is not trained in magic, has no technology to read (change) magic books, and has no mental level to give blessings. Therefore, carving a tattoo in a tattoo salon is rude.
No: It's not rude to have a qualified master Sakuyan with a chilled tattoo. It is not necessary to be a Buddhist to be a Buddhist tattoo, and it is enough to protect the five commandments of Buddhism (the five healthy ethical principles of all spiritual philosophy).
Is sak Yant safe?
Yes, it is almost the same as the hygiene method used by the Western tattoo master.
Many tourists and Westerners love the idea of putting a sakuyant tattoo, but begins to question the hygiene standards for putting this tattoo. Finding and reading a blog about Bangkok's famous temple Wat Van Plastic, this is especially true, and this temple tends to decrease hygiene without contributing to the main donation. Many cheap bloggers donated $ 5 to 6 to 60 minutes by monks, and were shocked by the lack of new ink and needles. This happens when someone does not donate to cover the cost of receiving the sack amber, which is a rare phenomenon.
In fact, some Ajarna in the region can work in a primitive and no n-hygienic environment. These agarner often can't afford to use new inks and needles. But now, modern Saku Yant masters will rarely destroy their profession without observing safety measures.
Do I need to bring my own ink and needle for sak amber?
No, there is no need. This is derived from the wrong information provided by a source. The author of the blog does not simply understand Sakoyant, creates many wrong myths and is trying to explain his experience without understanding.
Ink today is almost all brought from a tattoo shop, which is used in American tattoos. The ink can be a little colored (the previously sacred ink contains several magic mixtures), but the master uses the ink himself and uses all kinds of dangerous ones. The era when I had to do it has long been a long time.
Most of the needles (steel needles for stinging tattoos) have a modern design, and the tip can be disposable or exchanged. The tip is usually treated with ultraviolet rays and fire, and alcohol is impregnated. Even if you bring a new acupuncture, you need to know exactly which type of acupuncture is used.
Sack Yant Chiang Mai guarantees safety and hygiene, like many other professionals in Sack Agen nationwide.
What is the quality of Sack Yant Tattoo's work?
The ful l-fledged tattoo of Sack Yant (Yanrata Tatu) is carved in a long steel needle for about 20 to 25 minutes for a basic design. You need to remember that purpose. Saku Yant Tattoo has a spiritual and magical effect. Therefore, the completed tattoo does not necessarily be a perfectly balanced lef t-right symmetrical work. Monks and agarner are mainly mental leaders, not tattoos.
In fact, some Saku Yant Tattoo, which are made by people from all over the country, are a bit shocking. Beautiful things are not essential conditions, but almost all Saku Yant Ajan have social networks and introduce their work in photos. Some Sack Antum masters make really beautiful works, others are not. In reality, Sack Antom is worth looking at it, as it will remain for a lifetime.
On our Facebook page, you can see the types and quality of the sack yart tattoo that our clients receive in Chiang Mai. When you take a picture, it is usually fresh, red and swollen, and does not look the best. A few days later, the tattoo recovers and looks better. Looking at Google and Facebook reviews, many customers are attached to a few days after healing.
Why tattoo on loose skin (biceps) is not optimal
It is best to put any tattoo on flat skin with less fat tissue. In particular, Sakuyan uses the polling method, so the tendency is remarkable. The tattoo penetrates the skin and puts ink into the skin tissue. This tissue requires time to heal the ink so that the ink does not leak and seal the ink.
It is possible to put a tattoo in the arms on your arm, but there are some points to consider.
1) Every tattoo may be "bleeding". This happens about 1/1000 of the tattoo carved by a tattoo artist.
2) The skin of the hand is loose, thick, and there are few collagen, so the probability of bleeding from the tattoo is about 600.
3) The healing period (stretching and exercise prohibited) is 3 days, which is a burden on the hands, increasing the risk of swelling and bleeding from ink.
4) Since the hand is not a smooth canvas, the distortion of the tattoo is more noticeable.
It is possible to put Sack Yant's tattoo in your arm, but we will inform you that there are such concerns and sign the disclaimer. Strict precautions and aftercare to minimize the possibility of tattoos are up to you.
The tattoo is unlikely to wither, but the risk of the soft and thick arm is twice the back. What we want to avoid most is that unsatisfactory Sakuyan blows away. This is why we do not like manual work. Eventually, you will be responsible for your choice.
Is it possible for a monk to read the aura and choose Sakuyan?
Aura is not part of Buddhism. < SPAN> On our Facebook page, you can see the types and quality of the sack yant tattoo that our clients receive in Chiang Mai. When you take a picture, it is usually fresh, red and swollen, and does not look the best. A few days later, the tattoo recovers and looks better. Looking at Google and Facebook reviews, many customers are attached to a few days after healing.
Why tattoo on loose skin (biceps) is not optimal
It is best to put any tattoo on flat skin with less fat tissue. In particular, Sakuyan uses the polling method, so the tendency is remarkable. The tattoo penetrates the skin and puts ink into the skin tissue. This tissue requires time to heal the ink so that the ink does not leak and seal the ink.
It is possible to put a tattoo in the arms on your arm, but there are some points to consider.
1) Every tattoo may be "bleeding". This happens about 1/1000 of the tattoo carved by a tattoo artist.
2) The skin of the hand is loose, thick, and there are few collagen, so the probability of bleeding from the tattoo is about 600.
3) The healing period (stretching and exercise prohibited) is 3 days, which is a burden on the hands, increasing the risk of swelling and bleeding from ink.
4) Since the hand is not a smooth canvas, the distortion of the tattoo is more noticeable.
It is possible to put Sack Yant's tattoo in your arm, but we will inform you that there are such concerns and sign the disclaimer. Strict precautions and aftercare to minimize the possibility of tattoos are up to you.
The tattoo is unlikely to wither, but the risk of the soft and thick arm is twice the back. What we want to avoid most is that unsatisfactory Sakuyan blows away. This is why we do not like manual work. Eventually, you will be responsible for your choice.
Is it possible for a monk to read the aura and choose Sakuyan?
Aura is not part of Buddhism. On our Facebook page, you can see the types and quality of the sack yart tattoo that our clients receive in Chiang Mai. When you take a picture, it is usually fresh, red and swollen, and does not look the best. A few days later, the tattoo recovers and looks better. Looking at Google and Facebook reviews, many customers are attached to a few days after healing.
Why tattoo on loose skin (biceps) is not optimal
It is best to put any tattoo on flat skin with less fat tissue. In particular, Sakuyan uses the polling method, so the tendency is remarkable. The tattoo penetrates the skin and puts ink into the skin tissue. This tissue requires time to heal the ink so that the ink does not leak and seal the ink.
It is possible to put a tattoo in the arms on your arm, but there are some points to consider.
1) Every tattoo may be "bleeding". This happens about 1/1000 of the tattoo carved by a tattoo artist.
2) The skin of the hand is loose, thick, and there are few collagen, so the probability of bleeding from the tattoo is about 600.
3) The healing period (stretching and exercise prohibited) is 3 days, which is a burden on the hands, increasing the risk of swelling and bleeding from ink.
4) Since the hand is not a smooth canvas, the distortion of the tattoo is more noticeable.
It is possible to put Sack Yant's tattoo in your arm, but we will inform you that there are such concerns and sign the disclaimer. Strict precautions and aftercare to minimize the possibility of tattoos are up to you.
The tattoo is unlikely to wither, but the risk of the soft and thick arm is twice the back. What we want to avoid most is that unsatisfactory Sakuyan blows away. This is why we do not like manual work. Eventually, you will be responsible for your choice.
Is it possible for a monk to read the aura and choose Sakuyan?
Aura is not part of Buddhism.
The monks take your personal and spiritual pulse and consult you under the pretext of your goals. But it is a myth that the monks read your aura, which is not real. At the fastest, there were people who went to Wat Bang Puri, where 30 to 100 jigs are performed in a day. We confirmed during our personal experiments that the Sak-Jantan draft selection has the ability to borrow from 15 minutes to several hours. If 100 people want to get suckers in a day at Wat Bang Puri, the monks, in fact, do not have time to ask you what you want to do. You will find out that they have actually made a decision, even though you have practically no hope. I don't know what happened, but someone took advantage of this skill in an attempt to attribute it to his own personal spiritual belief system (aura) and began to promote this myth.
Did the monks choose the infant?
Absolutely not. In principle, the sucker's job is to give the bearer a special blessing and purpose, using the magical powers associated with the processing of the sucker Yant tattoo. If you don't understand why suckers, why and how do monks owe it to nobles?
Master Sasak Yant actually has the ability to combine the issue of the date of birth with the implementation of astrology and discuss it with people for cheap options. But in most cases, the adept (the one who makes the tattoo from the sucker) literally understands what he wants and what sketch he wants to get for it. For a Westerner who doesn't know and use the Chinese version of astrology well and doesn't have Thai that far yet, to discuss Asian metaphysical concepts and beg the monk to solve the design is not for you want to leave you for life with a tattoo that is not for you.
Many years ago, even before it was online, people who were illiterate in spiritual matters often recognized the advice of the master of Sasak Man. In modern times, for example, this is common, since the majority of people have every chance to find information on the net. But the net is a double-edged knife, and as a result, people mistakenly believe that they are, in fact, obliged to beg the monk to choose for them.
Thus was born this myth.
The blogger traveler believed that going to a famous temple near Bangkok and receiving Sakuyan should be a great adventure that they do without external help. They joined 30 to 100 people a day, who received Sakoyant, and did not donate (the $ 5 sold at the temple entrance was enough). They didn't talk about their design in Taisuki, and were not thinking about why they were here, besides "wonderful spiritual adventures that can be written on a blog."
The monks who had no chance to chat with people gave them a standard masterant (usually one of the three in the first SAK screw).
There was no reading of the aura nor the inner knowledge did not make a magical choice. The simple reality is that the monks had no time to worry when one person was lacking in preparation and 30 to 70 chased him. Since this article is very quoted on Google, others who are searching for blogs have copied the same wrong information.
Sack Yant Chiang Mai discusses the causes, purpose, blessings, and design preferences of the customer. Khata (letters) during the design can be changed to reflect the purpose of the person with the design you like. Certain designs may be available only for specific blessings.
Can I choose SAK AMBER design?
Yes, when applying a saku yard tattoo, the value of tattoos is based on three parts. Occasionally, it is possible to get the desired design (depending on the design itself), but for a specific special sense, it is possible to change text, prayer, and last blessing. Most Sack Yant Master can't speak English, so you need a Thai or Thai to discuss these factors.
What are the three elements?
1) Design
This is a picture and design by Sack Amber. All Yonty Sacks have a unique meaning enshrined in the design, but if you like specific designs, you can use them, but to switch to the last meaning and blessing elements. Will be changed to.2) Kata < SPAN> The blogger traveler thought that going to a famous temple near Bangkok and receiving a chiller should be a great adventure that they do without external help. They joined 30 to 100 people a day, who received Sakoyant, and did not donate (the $ 5 sold at the temple entrance was enough). They didn't talk about their design in Taisuki, and were not thinking about why they were here, besides "wonderful spiritual adventures that can be written on a blog."
The monks who had no chance to chat with people gave them a standard masterant (usually one of the three in the first SAK screw).
There was no reading of the aura nor the inner knowledge did not make a magical choice. The simple reality is that the monks had no time to worry when one person was lacking in preparation and 30 to 70 chased him. Since this article is very quoted on Google, others who are searching for blogs have copied the same wrong information.
Sack Yant Chiang Mai discusses the causes, purpose, blessings, and design preferences of the customer. Khata (letters) during the design can be changed to reflect the purpose of the person with the design you like. Certain designs may be available only for specific blessings.
Can I choose SAK AMBER design?
Yes, when applying a saku yard tattoo, the value of tattoos is based on three parts. Occasionally, it is possible to get the desired design (depending on the design itself), but for a specific special sense, it is possible to change text, prayer, and last blessing. Most Sack Yant Master can't speak English, so you need a Thai or Thai to discuss these factors.
What are the three elements?
1) Design
This is a picture and design by Sack Amber. All Yonty Sacks have a unique meaning enshrined in the design, but if you like specific designs, you can use them, but to switch to the last meaning and blessing elements. Will be changed to.
2) Kata: This blogger traveler thought that going to a famous temple near Bangkok and receiving Sakuyan should be a great adventure that they do without external help. They joined 30 to 100 people a day, who received Sakoyant, and did not donate (the $ 5 sold at the temple entrance was enough). They didn't talk about their design in Taisuki, and were not thinking about why they were here, besides "wonderful spiritual adventures that can be written on a blog."
The monks who had no chance to chat with people gave them a standard masterant (usually one of the three in the first SAK screw).
There was no reading of the aura nor the inner knowledge did not make a magical choice. The simple reality is that the monks had no time to worry when one person was lacking in preparation and 30 to 70 chased him. Since this article is very quoted on Google, others who are searching for blogs have copied the same wrong information.
Sack Yant Chiang Mai discusses the causes, purpose, blessings, and design preferences of the customer. Khata (letters) during the design can be changed to reflect the purpose of the person with the design you like. Certain designs may be available only for specific blessings.
Can I choose SAK AMBER design?
Yes, when applying a saku yard tattoo, the value of tattoos is based on three parts. Occasionally, it is possible to get the desired design (depending on the design itself), but for a specific special sense, it is possible to change text, prayer, and last blessing. Most Sack Yant Master can't speak English, so you need a Thai or Thai to discuss these factors.
What are the three elements?
- 1) Design
- This is a picture and design by Sack Amber. All Yonty Sacks have a unique meaning enshrined in the design, but if you like specific designs, you can use them, but to switch to the last meaning and blessing elements. Will be changed to.
- 2) Kata
- This links the magic spell in the heart of Amber, the sucker master, when making a sucker. The person who knows will read a special prayer when applied to the sketch and make it a final picture of the final picture. The type still connects the word written by the sucker amber. This word is usually displayed incorrectly in the drawing images found on the net and is modified by the master. This was created for this purpose to preserve knowledge to provide the opportunity to submit only to those who are qualified to submit Saku Dion.
- 3) Blessing
- At the end of the Saku Dandy process, the last blessing is given. This may require special plans and aspirations. For example, you can get a fiv e-line SAK screw and have the economic prosperity bless you.
You may often read the writer saying, "The monk chose the design for me." This happens when the recipient is new and does not talk about how the sucker works. In fact, almost everyone has decided that an adventure using a sucker, Yan, should be created as an autonomous church technology without receiving the support of those who understand the words and processes. After this, they report their experiments based on a limited awareness, and the myth of "sucking master Aminus is selected" is completely made b y-a-pronunciation mistakes.
Saku Yant is a magical charm and blessing, not limited to various read y-made pictures and variations. You can consult with the master about your own ambitions and requirements, and discuss suction and options (if you read it with a new one), but ultimately, which image to create in your corpse. I will decide.
Is it possible to arrange a sucker tattoo?
There is no word bamboo tatto o-this is a tattoo advertising trick and intends to restrict buyers's ideas about the Zasak Yant tattoo. For example, a real tattoo has been using iron rods for decades.
What a tattoo calls "my personal style and a traditional Tattoo design of Thailand" (essentially fake sucker) will have little power, he is already "artistic. It is not possible to bless a real specialist in a sucker who has the opportunity to abandon a true small thing on a body with a "embodiment". Apart from this, tattoo salon fake is usually higher than a real sucker.
Tattoo parlours often advertise "bamboo tattoos" with catalogues featuring images of scoop nets, hoping that customers won't know the difference between "Thai traditional poke" and real scoop nets. Beech needles used in tattoo parlours are basically edible bacilli with needles attached, and are given to customers as souvenirs.
Can podsak yant tattoos be placed anywhere on the body? What can be tattooed on the legs?
- The short answer is yes and no. Sacred and Buddhist images should be above the waist. This is true for most scoop tattoos. Some images (usually depicting animals) can be below the waist, such as on the legs.
- Scoop net position: Not too far below the waist
- Sak yant is a tattoo of will and magic, and images alluding to Buddha or Yant masters should be placed on the back, arms and sides of the body. Girls should not scoop around the chest (or expose this area) or below the waist. Men may have some on their thighs.
Feet are taboo for everyone. In Thai culture, feet are an extremely low body part, so it is forbidden by law to point feet at Buddha or step on the waist with a statue of a king. It is still not possible to place holy signs there. Only animal statues (no statues of Buddha or strong Yantras) are allowed below the waist.
Is it possible for women to get monk podsak yant tattoos?
Short answer No (in podsak yant Chiang Mai)
Normal answer Sometimes yes. Women have a chance to get monk yant tattoos, but not in temples. Women have a chance to get yan shawls from monks outside temples.
This is the problem that 99% of blog posts about podsak yant and Thai monks get wrong, confusing customs and culture with the actual Vinaya (monk's code of conduct).
Thai Buddhist monks are allowed to touch women as long as it does not arouse lust. For this reason, almost all monks use prayer robes (or gloves in the case of Phodsak Yanta) as an extra layer when touching women, as they would rather protect themselves with something else than regret it later.
Today, many monks just don't want to give women a dip net to free themselves from having to explain themselves (especially if a tourist does this and publishes the photos). Add to this the cultural convention that women are not obliged to touch monks (only in Thailand) and all this becomes even more complicated.
At Phodsak Yant in Chiang Mai, when monks follow the in-house program, women have the opportunity to perform Phodsak Yant, as it does not take place on the temple grounds.
Real monks are not allowed to touch women.
Not true. There is no rule that prohibits monks from touching women or girls. But there is a rule in the Sanhadusa (a guide to monastic life), often excerpted and half-quoted, that is actually the basis for this myth.
The Saṃghādisesa 2 states: "Yōpana-bhikkhū ottinano vipārinatena chittena māthugarmena saddhi-kāyasa saga samapadēya hattaggāha vā venigātarassa vā annigātarassa vā annigātarassa vā annigātarassa vā annigātarassa vā annigātarassa vā annigātarassa vā annigātarassa vā annigātarassa vā annigātarassa vā annigātarassa vā annigātarassa vā annigātarassa vā annigātarassa vā annigātarassa." Do not touch women. If a lust-filled monk touches a woman, including one born on the same day, or touches her hair (uncut), it will bring about an encounter with Sarga.
There is no standard that prohibits a monk from touching a woman. The rules of the Sangadisa are aimed at maintaining focus on spiritual intelligence by not allowing a monk to sexually touch a woman with a "lustful mind". It is not considered a crime for a monk to touch a woman without lust.
If you type "Dalai Lama" in Google, thousands of photos of him touching a woman will come up. There is no opportunity for a monk to touch a woman - this is a myth that can be easily found with a Google search.
Can a woman get a Phodsak Yant tattoo in a temple?
Yes. Sak Yant Chiang Mai encourages women and couples (who want to share the art of Sak Yant) to get the treatment in a temple. Here, the Ajarn works closely with the monks to arrange the scoop tattoo and the monks give their blessing.
So couples don't have to go to separate rooms and have every opportunity to share this technique together.
What language is Phodsak Yant tattoo done in?
Podsak Yant tattoos do not use Thai for magical words. The language used in most Sak Yant is a much older form of Pali and Khom script developed in the Khmer Empire (Cambodia). In Thailand, Khom and Pali scripts are used for a variety of purposes, including Buddhist words, images, magical texts, astrology, numerology, cosmology, and manuals on creating and interpreting Yantras.
In northern Thailand, the ancient and more localized Lanna-language is often used by older, sucker-artisans who learned to recite and scribble in temple schools. But every authoritative face of Zamak Anchi explores Pali and Khmer, and the Lanna-language (by northern Thai masters) is heavier and more impressive. The Sakhidion in southern Thailand uses the language in Pali, while the Sakhidion in Cambodia uses it in the main Khmer script.
The essence of the mysterious amulets that are said to be unexploded is a blessing that comes thanks to shabby knowledge and power. If everyone had the opportunity to recite and perceive the fonts used in classical Thai tattoos, they would not be unique, special or powerful.
The artisans of Sakhid AMT spend years studying these secret languages and speaking them speak magical powers. As a result, it is not easy to admit that it was written, for example, how all the chances only a few people can take, and even that, they do not like to talk about this, because it is in FACT, this dilutes the power of sucking through amber.
What is the difference between amber sucked by monks and amber sucked by Ajarn?
The main difference between Angarn Anthnacak (almost always by a former monk with long-term experience) and monk (one who still performs direct responsibility in the temple) to get Sucak Amber tattoo is that Ajarn usually prepares Yantra tattoo for a certain payment and prepares tattoo for previous sex. There are still a very large number, a large number of subtle differences to attribute them to the same FAQ-section, but we will look at some of them.
The same thing - but another thing. Almost all sucker Yant Ajarna have spent years previously as a monk.
Zazak Yant Ajarn
The word "Ajarn" is used to describe a human scientist. Like "Professor" or "Master". When we use the word "Ajarn", we mean a master of "suction amber". As a rule, the old Ajarn (or sucker nobles) are monks who studied the sucker magic and continued to do it by the people at that time, finishing their work in the temple environment.
The Zazak Yant tattoo made by an Ajarn means that he is actually free from the constraints regarding "touching women". In many cases, an Ajarn is not closed to the auxiliary study of sucker tattoos or comprehensive tattoo art. An Ajarn reveals his personal sanctum of Sukak Yant, for example, on Thai people, to residents of other countries, checks them at least in other matters, and takes payment for his personal skills. An Ajarn is a reasonably durable and desirable advisor among ordinary Thais, for example, among monks.