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Ignite Media
"Chinese people love anything related to resources," Malaysian comedian and artist Ronny Chichen said in his "Asian Comedian Destroys America Stand."
He continues to be mocked by Chinese happy-go-lucky people as "Gong Xi Fa Cai." Instead of the rant "New Year" breaking out of our language, it means "I hope you get rich," basically targeting the cultural obsession with money even more.
Chen's monologue is about the Chinese psyche -- determining funds, especially during the solemn season. Most people call their sweetheart's red bag part of the holiday. Whether it's having an envelope that brings good luck and prosperity or a help box from the inside is still up for debate.
No one can argue that funds make the universe round, but this survey proves that in Chinese culture, funds and material gains are much greater than in other cultures. In a carefully selected survey by the international research company IPSOS, 71% of Chinese respondents said that they consider personal victory among the material gains they actually possess.
Besides the desires related to wealth, almost everyone likes to exchange with loved ones in gambling in the solemn season, and these are such as mahjong and blackjack: visiting the house often leads to walking in the footsteps of clicks and clangs or mahjong-tiles, also laughter, oh, oh, double! Double! "In this narrow-narrow.
Why dabble in gambling?
Besides the sharp emotions of shouting "Pong" in mahjong or "Picker" in blackjack, funds are essential for excitement. When I find out from some of my own friends about the link between funds and gambling, they confirm that the speed on funds does not replace the game as in some kind, but adds "higher rates", "more odds for the game", and in case numbers and the chance to win more money.
In other passages, our complex relationship with money, entertainment with loved ones, and exciting excitement basically leads to public gambling being a necessary part of our holidays.
Moreover, the game is often associated with professionalism and good fortune. In the first place, most people experience good fortune when they misunderstand the rules of the Die-Die game and beat a group of skilled players.
Aside from mastering specific games and its rules, almost everyone still identifies gambling with intelligence and joy. In addition to opportunities, players have all the opportunities to acknowledge that winning a bet is based on these skills, such as "reading people's hearts", "mathematics," and the master of calculation.
Second, superstitions say that gambling alone will bring good luck to the New Year. This is due to the religion that relying on funds will bring good luck to the economy.
Chinese players still follow the Chinese proverb, saying, "If you don't bet, you don't know your good luck." They believe victory represents luck and mysterious blessings.
In many Asian culture, the luck is closely linked to fate. According to the book by Associate Professor Timothy Fong, psychiatry, "Chinese believe that lucky people are obliged to be blessed from gods and ancestors." As a result, most people believe that fate changes every day, for example, to manipulate fate by wearing reddish underwear or succeeding next to Trump packs.
Research has shown that there is a relevance between the concept of good luck (and fate) and the possibility of gambling problems. Members who believe in "external lucky information providers" and believe that it is possible to control the fate that changes every day has reported more cognitive bias. And the expression of cognitive bias, such as cognitive control, was associated with various gambling issues.
Social gambling
However, it is known that unofficial gambling, which is performed in a solemn mood, is less likely to be addicted. For many people, gambling is simply a form of New Year's entertainment. If you talk about money, the game is played at home with close people and generally modest. The player of this group is a general gambler.
According to the National Gambling Administration Council (NCPG), social gambling is defined as "playing games with friends and family." Such a gambling perspective is distinguished from gambling related to other serious addictions such as alcohol and drugs. The latter gambling can harm not only the player himself but also the people around him.
In real time, the Ministry of Home Affairs has a practical approach to gambling, and gambling is restricted or prohibited only if there is a risk of gambling against public order and morals or when it is likely to cause pollution.
According to a press release dated July 12, 2021, it is also proposed to exempt physiological social gambling among family and friends, provided that it meets the criteria of protection against criminal exploitation. Finally, it will take enforcement measures if this exemption is applied.
But where is the line between social gambling during the Chinese New Year and problem gambling?
From "Bo" to "Du"
In Mandarin, gambling is called "Du Bo", composed of "Du" for "bet" and "Bo" for "bo". In other texts, Du is more closely associated with bets and winnings, and Bo emphasizes the "entertainment value of gambling activities" and its slow nuance.
To explain the situation, early games were built on cognitive skills and strategies. Funds sometimes existed, but they were not necessary for the work of the game. During the Song Dynasty, the nature of the game actually changed from "Bo" to "Du", which was linked to the rise of urbanization and the development of trade and commerce.
Similarly, disordered gamblers often begin to embrace gaming as a fun social pastime, but find that the activity becomes uncontrollable. Often, the stages of gaming follow one another; social gaming leads to serious gaming, which in turn precedes problem gaming.
Similarly, the NCPG organizes the short-term frame into a "win stage," a "losing stage," and a "hopelessness stage," the latter two being associated with feelings of guilt and triggering more pathological passions in an attempt to recoup the inevitable costs of gaming.
Mechanisms of the development of gambling problems [NCPG].The actual path of development of problem gambling varies from person to person, but the basic premise of the model proposed by Blaszczynski and Nower (2002), doctors in psychology and physicians at the Gambling Research Center, is considered to be "The 3A's of Gambling. The 3A's that lead to the development of gambling problems are "early availability," "presence," and "acceptability."
Basically, the likelihood of becoming a gambling addict involves these factors, such as early skill and closeness to gambling. In addition, there are many concomitant qualities, such as mental disorders, that compel players (often unconsciously) to find a sensual outlet through gambling.
Based on this culture's addictive nature towards money and material gains, materialism still increases the desire to acquire resources and the materialistic desire to cheat, making this population more susceptible to gaming-diseases.
Behind the Lines
The number of "pathological and problematic potential players" remains small, according to selective surveys conducted by the NCPG.
So this pastime is getting out of hand. The benefits of "acute sensation heightening" and adrenaline rush do not distinguish between the ability to escape the trap and the addictive nature. If the time spent playing is only a few cents here and there, these amounts can triple or even quadruple with the incentive to increase the stakes and the collective atmosphere of teasing and laughter.
Stigma, according to the lyrics of a Singaporean cabaret artist in an interview with 8. SG. According to an interview with SG, "random comments" such as "Wow, you're a pretty swayer" have every possibility of directing some players beyond their limits.
"In fact, you may think this is a rudimentary observation, but it is like hearing something similar especially during the Chinese fresh year, and then losing resources," he said in an interview.
Thus, when almost everyone plays real gambling (socially) to celebrate the Chinese New Year, or to spend time with friends for an interesting game, it is possible to mitigate some moments so that the game remains random and does not develop into a gambling problem: for example, limiting the duration of the game, the number of rounds, or including the required amount of funds to practically participate in this irge.
The Chinese fresh year, we accompany the circling year and the fresh encounter is a time of happiness and fun. The sound of the Mudzhong tiles should remain back in the project, with the sound of laughter and heart-to-heart exchange.
Take care of the signs of problem gambling to help yourself, stand up, and ask for support when you can. The signs include borrowing funds for gambling roles and feeling irritated when not playing.
If you have a gambling problem, you know that there are hot sections and resources available to help you:
National Council on Gambling Duties 1800-6-668-668 (Monday-Thursday, 8:30am-6pm, Friday, 8:30am-5:30pm).
We provide community services 3165 8017 (Monday-Friday, 10am-6pm) help@wecare.
National Addiction Treatment Services (secret chat available)
ARISE2CARE 6909 0628 (Monday-Friday, 10am-6pm) admin@arise2care.
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