Betway Casino Lucky Zodiac slot with warning
Responsible gambling
1. How to play at risk and safely played with gambling
BETWAY promises to do our best to provide customers with fun gambling experiences, recognizing that gambling can cause problems. It is important to keep in mind that gambling is for enjoying and not to win money or escape from troubles. Gambling can cause specific risks, such as physical, mental and economic issues. In order to make effective use of this platform, you can always minimize the potential gambling risk by always being aware of the amount and time spent on gambling and being familiar with the available responsible gambling tools.
We are fully supporting responsible gambling so that customers can continue to enjoy safe and eas y-t o-manage gambling, and take many measures to ensure our customers' safety.
If you would like to ask all the list of information about our responsible gambling tools, please contact the following number: 910 470 240.
2. Registration procedure
To play on a betway, you need to enter your personal information in the customer registration procedure. Personal information includes the following, but not limited to these: surname, name, date of birth, DNI/NIE, address, nationality, e-mail, telephone number, etc.
Betway does not accept registration of no n-hiss panic residents.
Bettway to register a customer account
- Make sure that it is not registered in general registration ("RGIAJ"), gambling.
- Verify the DGOJ Participant's identity verification system tool or other thir d-party system or an alternative means.
- Verify the provided data by verification.
The following can be accepted, but not limited:
- DNI, NIE, passport or driver's license;
- Copy of recent utility bills, such as electricity bills, telephone charges, etc. (important: the utility bill must be within 6 months). And
- Recent credit/ debit/ Bank account statement copy (Note: The account statement is about the used economic method and must be within 3 months).
The registration method of the customer account is as follows:
- If DGOJ Participant's identity verification service or other identity verification service is not performed, you will not be able to participate in the game or deposit and withdraw.
- It is confirmed correctly by the identity verification system, and as soon as the documents are confirmed, it is possible to deposit up to the common limit of € 150 and participate in the game, but regardless of the amount or nature, the prize cannot be withdrawn. The status of your gambling account is considered to be "confirmation of documents."
- If you are recognized correctly by checking the documents, you can participate in the game and deposit and withdraw. After that, your gambling account status will be active.
In the confirmation of the documents, the following documents are considered to be reliable:
- In the case of Spanish citizenship, a national identification certificate.
- For foreign nationals, for residence cards, foreign identification cards, passports, European Union (EU) or European Economic Areas (EEA) citizens, documents, letters issued by the national authorities, and public individuals certificate. The Foreign Affairs Cooperation issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for diplomats and consules in the Spanish country in Spain is also effective as a foreign identifier.
- In exceptional situations, Betway is accepted if there is an appropriate genuineness guarantee and a photo of the owner is posted, even in other issued oriental certificates issued by government authorities. You can.
3. Protection of minors and ban on gambling
Now that you can easily access the Internet in homes around the world, your responsible online gambling depends greatly on responsible child care. In order to ensure your child's safety, we recommend using filtering software so that minors cannot access inappropriate online content. Minor gambling may not only be illegal, but can also lead to gambling addiction and huge gambling debt by outstanding children. < SPAN> DGOJ Participants If you are not performing identity verification services or other identity verification services, you will not be able to participate in the game or deposit and withdraw.
It is confirmed correctly by the identity verification system, and as soon as the documents are confirmed, it is possible to deposit up to the common limit of € 150 and participate in the game, but regardless of the amount or nature, the prize cannot be withdrawn. The status of your gambling account is considered to be "confirmation of documents."
- If you are recognized correctly by checking the documents, you can participate in the game and deposit and withdraw. After that, your gambling account status will be active.
- In the confirmation of the documents, the following documents are considered to be reliable:
In the case of Spanish citizenship, a national identification certificate.
- For foreign nationals, for residence cards, foreign identification cards, passports, European Union (EU) or European Economic Areas (EEA) citizens, documents, letters issued by the national authorities, and public individuals certificate. The Foreign Affairs Cooperation issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for diplomats and consules in the Spanish country in Spain is also effective as a foreign identifier.
- In exceptional situations, Betway is accepted if there is an appropriate genuineness guarantee and a photo of the owner is posted, even in other issued oriental certificates issued by government authorities. You can.
- 3. Protection of minors and ban on gambling
- Now that you can easily access the Internet in homes around the world, your responsible online gambling depends greatly on responsible child care. In order to ensure your child's safety, we recommend using filtering software so that minors cannot access inappropriate online content. Minor gambling may not only be illegal, but can also lead to gambling addiction and huge gambling debt by outstanding children. If DGOJ Participant's identity verification service or other identity verification service is not performed, you will not be able to participate in the game or deposit and withdraw.
- It is confirmed correctly by the identity verification system, and as soon as the documents are confirmed, it is possible to deposit up to the common limit of € 150 and participate in the game, but regardless of the amount or nature, the prize cannot be withdrawn. The status of your gambling account is considered to be "confirmation of documents."
- If you are recognized correctly by checking the documents, you can participate in the game and deposit and withdraw. After that, your gambling account status will be active.
- In the confirmation of the documents, the following documents are considered to be reliable:
In the case of Spanish nationality, a national identification card.
For foreign nationals, for residence cards, foreign identification cards, passports, European Union (EU) or European Economic Areas (EEA) citizens, documents, letters issued by the national authorities, and public individuals certificate. The Foreign Affairs Cooperation issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for diplomats and consules in the Spanish country in Spain is also effective as a foreign identifier.
In exceptional situations, Betway is accepted if there is an appropriate genuineness guarantee and a photo of the owner is posted, even in other issued oriental certificates issued by government authorities. You can.
3. Protection of minors and prohibition of gambling
Now that you can easily access the Internet in homes around the world, your responsible online gambling depends greatly on responsible child care. In order to ensure your child's safety, we recommend using filtering software so that minors cannot access inappropriate online content. Minor gambling may not only be illegal, but can also lead to gambling addiction and huge gambling debt by outstanding children.
- Betway aims to protect social vulnerable and minors. Those under the age of 18 cannot register on our game platform. Our technical implementation makes minors cannot register on our site. However, if a minor can register on our site using fake data or adult data, when such an account is confirmed, BETWAY refunds all deposits and configurations:
- BETWAY refunds all deposits and forfeits the prize money.
The gambling account is closed.
3. 1 Advice for parents and parental control systems
Do not leave the computer while executing gambling software.
Protect your gambling account with a password and do not use the browser "Password Save" option.
Don't let people under the age of 18 participate in gambling.
Store your ID card, bank account number, and credit card out of reach.
Do not save your password on your computer.
Use software to limit your time to use the Internet and prevent access to inappropriate content.
As a precautionary measure to prevent minor gambling sites, you can use a parental control system such as Cyber Sitter and Net Nanny. However, these are paid platforms and are expensive.
4. NODS Gambling Disorder Diagnosis Screen
If you want to correct your gambling behavior or want help, click the following link https: // jugarbien. Es/test/que-tal-juego-yo-cuestionario-nods.
If you answer "yes" to one or more questions, we recommend that you contact any of the following organizations.
5. Cooperation with organizations and institutions of the National Health Insurance System
If you or your acquaintance gets gambling addiction, we recommend that you ask any of these certified organizations for help:
Fejar --fejar. org
- Gamblers Anonimu s-Gamblersanonymous. Org/Ga
- Jugarbien offers an interactive map that shows associations/ foundations that provide help related to gambling addiction. From the next link, you can find the structure of the National Health Insurance System that can be used according to your area: https: // www.
6. Jugarbien. ES
Jugarbien. es's website is an official website created by the Gambling Regulation Bureau, and you can use information and tools about responsible gambling. This website can be accessed from www. Jugarbien. ES.
Among the available tools, a new video has been published in the General Registry of Inclusion and Exclusion of Gambling (RGIAJ). It can be found at https://www. jugarbien. es/blog/nuevo-video-el-juego-y-la-autoexclusion.
JugarBIEN. es also has a collection of links on responsible gambling and safe gambling: https://www. jugarbien. es/contenido/enlaces-de-interes-en-materia-de-juegoo-responsable.
7. Deposit Limits
In accordance with applicable Spanish regulations, the following deposit limits are automatically applied to your Betway account upon registration:
- Daily - Deposit limit: 600 euros - Weekly - Deposit limit: 1. 500 euros - Monthly - Deposit limit: 3. 000 euros
You can reduce, increase or remove the deposit limits at your request. To do this, click on the "Limits" tab in the Responsible Gambling Tool (login required): - If you want to decrease or increase your deposit limit, enter your new deposit limit in the "Deposit Limits" section - If you want to remove all deposit limits, click "Remove all default limits".
If you would like to remove or increase a deposit limit above the default amount, we will consider your request, provided that the following conditions are met: - You have passed the responsible gambling and addiction prevention test. - If you have not passed the test, you can apply for a new increase or removal of your deposit limit 90 days after taking the test. - If you have passed the test, an analysis of your gambling history for the past 3 months will be carried out based on your gambling method to ensure that your behavior shows no signs of addiction and that you have not engaged in any risky activities during that period.
If you have passed the test and our internal review has determined that there are no signs of addictive behavior. The new limits will take effect within 3 days of resolution if the analysis is positive. You cannot request a limit increase or removal if 90 days (3 months) have not passed since the last limit increase.
Decreases in deposit limits will take effect immediately.
If you would like to set deposit limits, you can access this feature by logging in and clicking on "Responsible Gambling" in the "My Account" section. Alternatively, please contact Customer Service.
8. Self-Exclusion
- You may apply for temporary or permanent self-exclusion from playing with Betway at any time. The available self-exclusion options are:
- Temporary self-exclusion - you may temporarily suspend your account for a period between 24 hours and 3 months.
- Permanent self-exclusion - your account will be suspended indefinitely:
- NOTE: Upon your request, your account may be considered for reactivation only after verification by Betway and a self-exclusion period of at least 6 months has elapsed. )
- If your self-exclusion request is received immediately, measures will be taken by Betway to prevent you from participating in further play or making deposits within a maximum of 48 hours, until the self-exclusion period has expired.
- During the self-exclusion period, you will not be able to receive any promotional, marketing or other commercial communications.
- NOTE: In case of a request for permanent self-exclusion, we recommend that you register your details with the RGIAJ.
The General Register of Gambling Prohibitions (RGIAJ) is a register containing detailed information of all Spanish nationals who have voluntarily prohibited themselves from gambling or who have been prohibited from participating in gambling by court order. Registration is managed by the DGOJ.
- Registration is permanent and any accounts previously created with other Spanish gambling operators will be suspended. This registration can be cancelled after 6 months, upon prior application.
- Betway automatically checks all its customers against the RGIAJ every hour. If it is found that you are registered, a message will be displayed, access to the Betway website will be blocked and you will be informed of the consequences of the suspension of your account.
- During the suspension period, you will not be able to make any deposits or participate. In addition, you can request the transfer of your game account balance (including any winnings received before the suspension), as well as any winnings acquired during the suspension of your game account for participation in previous games.
- Once your registration with the RGIAJ is terminated, at your request, Betway may unsuspend your game account and allow you to participate in games.
During the self-protection period, you will not be able to receive promotional, marketing or other commercial communications.
For more information on the RGIAJ and to access the registration form, click here.
10. Interaction with customers and detection of dangerous behavior
Betway has developed a customer interaction program ("CIP") to monitor and analyze your behavior. If the customer may be a risky gambler or a potential problem gambler, or if the normal gambling behavior changes, the customer is immediately classified as a gambler with risk behavior, and the following measures are activated. Masu:
Apparently publish that it is a gambler with risk behavior.
We have a dialogue to avoid gamblin g-related potential or further harm, and if possible, inform you of your behavior we have observed, and take your responsibilities with responsible gambling tools. We will help you control and reduce the risk of harmful play to a sustainable and secure level.
Please note that your gambling account will be suspended until we record the exchange with customers, and you will not be able to access the account.
Measures that the Company can apply to your gambling account to reduce your risks include the application of payment restrictions, the temporary or indefinite sel f-exclusion period, or the closing of your gambling account.
While being classified as gambling addiction, you cannot receive marketing information, and you will not be able to participate in our promotion or participate in our specialized care services.
If the risk is reduced and it is safe for customers to participate in our promotion, customers will not be classified as gamblers with risk behavior. This situation is clearly notified to the customer.
In addition, when you are no longer classified as a dangerous player, you will not be able to receive any commercial contact for another two weeks, and you will not be able to participate in our promotion offer for 48 hours.
11. Responsible gaming support
BETWAY has a hot line for 24 hours a week, explaining the functions of responsible gambling and how to use it. Specifically, we will inform you of the following:
Risk of creating gambling acts
Possibility of sel f-reported test
Possibility of sel f-ban and sel f-exclusion
Information related to public health agencies related to gambling, other associations and institutions that can be used depending on the place of players.
Betway is operated directly, and the phone number is 910 470 240.
12. Other responsible gambling tools
12. 1. Activity Declaration
Information on each gaming session on the betway can be viewed for up to 365 days. This information can be viewed with your gambling account (you need to log in) and includes the start date and time of the gambling session and the period.
You can also see detailed information about 365 days of BETWAY activities. This information includes the details of your account balance, gambling history (including bet and losing), deposits, withdrawals, and other related transactions.
If you contact the customer support team, you can request a monthly summary for your activity. When the request is accepted, we will send you a monthly summary to the e-mail address registered in the gambling account.
12. 2.
Timeout is a function that triggers "Casino Software" Timeout "and is forced to reconnect to resume play. Timeout is not operational time set at the time of login (selected in 1 to 20 minutes. Occurs after).
one two three.
α) Session restriction
When playing a slot in the betway, the window is displayed and the following settings are required: it is time to play the slot. It's time to play a slot machine. Please note that playing other games during the slot session will not stop time.
-Loss limit: This is the highest amount you can lose during a session. At the start of the session, you need to enter the amount you want to play. This amount does not exceed your account balance.
When the time limit or the loss limit is reached, the session ends automatically.
b) Reminder period
The notification/ reminder message reminds you of the time and loss amount spent during the slot session for each set time. The reminder can be received every 5, 10 minutes, 15 minutes.
c) Temporary restriction of slot play